Cat Grooming

Grooming a Cat

Cat owners will agree with the fact that grooming a cat can be a challenge. Even though some cats like to be combed and brushed, there are those that want nothing to do with this and the challenge of grooming will be a major one. Oh, and what about the dreaded bathing? Do you know of any cats that like to be bathed? Of course, the good thing about cats is that, for the most part, bathing is something that is not needed. Cats are normally very clean pets and they constantly groom themselves. Thank goodness they don’t like the same things as dogs. Can you imagine a cat rolling on the ground in some nasty smelling stuff or jumping in a muddy water puddle?

Long haired cats, like Persians, are gorgeous but matting can be a major problem. It isn’t uncommon for owners to surrender their matted cat to an animal shelter. I guess they just got tired of fighting the mats, but bringing your cat to the shelter for this reason is a pretty desperate move. This isn’t just unsightly; it’s extremely uncomfortable for the cat. The matted hair is these cases are so bad that it is usually necessary to shave all the hair off which is usually performed under sedation. The skin on these cats tends to tend to be thin and any excessive pulling on matted hair can result in some tears on the underside of this sensitive skin. Haircuts known as “lion cut” are becoming increasingly popular with owners of long haired cats. The cat’s hair is shaved leaving a big ruff around the neck area and kind of a pompom shape at the end of the tail. Some groomers even leave little “booties” around the paws.

Persian CatGiving your cat a bath can be a major challenge and is very stressful to the cat. Unless the hair is really dirty, it is probably better not to subject your cat to the tortures of a bath. If a bath is necessary and can’t be avoided, get an unwitting good friend or spouse to help. You’re going to need all the help that you can get with this challenge. Be prepared for the wriggling, clawing and crying that will inevitably ensue from your cat. Now, gently place your cat into a pan of warm soapy water and start washing away. Rinsing is easier if you slowly pour warm water over your cat as opposed to using a hand held sink sprayer. Remember that your cat
probably detests the bathing process and will show you no appreciation for your efforts. Don’t take this cold shoulder treatment personally; it’s just a cat thing.

If the mats in your cat’s hair are small ones, your cat will probably be able to remove these on his or her own without any help from you. Now, if your cat doesn’t get the mats out, then it’s up to you. Maybe you’re lucky and your cat likes to be brushed and combed. Getting the small mats out will be easier for you if your cat has this type of temperament. Otherwise, you may have to sneak up on your cat and try to snatch those little mats out quickly. This method of removing mats will take several attempts and, then, you’ll have to get even sneakier, because your cat is now on to your tricks. You can always wait until your cat is asleep and try the snatch attempt then. Of course, during this process and after you’re finally done, be prepared for your cat to have that snobbish attitude.

Just remember, grooming a cat can be a challenging and difficult task. If you have no desire to perform this task, you can always find professionals who will gladly do it for you. Another advantage of letting someone else groom your cat is that your cat may get mad at them, but the cold shoulder attitude shouldn’t be that bad with you. You’ll still have to deal with some attitude, but nothing compared to the attitude that you would have gotten if you had done the grooming yourself.

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